The Prahova County Enterprise for Industrial Production and Services (I.J.P.S.P.I) was built in 1980 and used to handle the manufacturing of industrial products for the market such as medical cotton, textiles, knitted goods, carpets, construction materials (lime, mosaic, terracotta) and services – car repairs, fabrics mending, milling, road marking and traffic signs.
The current SC Industrie Mica Prahova SA was created on December 20, 1990 by taking over the assets and the liabilities of the former Prahova County Enterprise for Industrial Production and Services (I.J.P.S.P.I) and following the Decision number 837/1990 of the Prahova County Prefecture.
In its thirty years of activity on a market under constant change, Industrie Mica Prahova SA has earned a good name and a stable position by adjusting to its needs. This has not been easy, but the effort to preserve the workforce and invest in the acquisition of necessary tools has paid off. At the same time, the company acquired the necessary certificates for optimum operation.
Nowadays, the company produces all kinds of traffic signs and performs the activities of road marking, installation of guardrails and speed bumps and other types of street furniture.
production and installation of all types of road signs; application of horizontal markings on public roads